Initial dirt work on site.

Deep pit dug and preparing for concrete.

Concrete pour begins on one side of the facility.

Foundation walls and columns being poured.

Concrete deep pits coming together.

Finished product, ready for hogs!

This 4,800 head swine finishing unit was a turnkey design-build product of Settje Agri-Services, located near Columbus, Nebraska. SASE acted as the General Contractor through the project and conducted an open house for the local community upon completion of the building.
While our engineers and construction staff typically work with customers on these types of swine finisher units, we also provide turnkey design-build services for boar studs, sow farms, and nurseries. Whether you are a row crop farmer looking to diversify and add equity to your balance sheet, or an integrated swine grower, we provide solutions to fit your operation’s needs.
See our swine production facilities for more information.